Knitwear collection in libraries this autumn

Knit to help! In the autumn, Helmet libraries will participate in campaigns challenging people to knit socks and mittens for homeless people and others in need of help.

Knit woollen socks, mittens or gloves and bring them to the library. You can find a list of libraries participating in the campaign and campaign dates below.

The knitwear will be given to those in need during the Night of the Homeless events on 17 October 2024 and as part of the national ‘Lahjoita lämpöä’ campaign.

Collection times and places

Bring your donation to the following libraries in Espoo 1 September–11 October: the Entresse, Iso Omena, Lippulaiva and Sello libaries.

Bring your donation to the following libraries in Helsinki 1 September–30 November: Arabianranta, Etelä-Haaga, Itäkeskus, Jakomäki, Jätkäsaari, Kallio, Kontula, Lauttasaari, Malmi, Malminkartano, Maunula, Munkkiniemi, Myllypuro, Oodi, Oulunkylä, Paloheinä, Pasila, Pitäjänmäki, Pohjois-Haaga, Puistola, Rikhardinkatu, Roihuvuori, Suomenlinna, Suutarila, Tapanila, Töölö, Vallila, Viikki and Vuosaari.

Bring your donation to the following libraries in Vantaa 9 September–9 October 2024: Hakunila Library, Koivukylä Library Lumo Library, Länsimäki Library, Martinlaakso Library, Myyrmäki Library, Mosaiikki Library, Pähkinärinne Library, Tikkurila Library and Mobile Library.

Knitting instructions

We only accept new and unused knitwear.

Mittens and socks in large sizes (sizes 43–46) are in high demand. Please knit socks using yarn with at least 60% wool.

Mark the size of the socks on the item and join the socks together with a piece of yarn, for example.

Basic wool socks (, in Finnish)

Mittens – three basic instructions (, in Finnish)

Cooperation partners

Night of the Homeless is a citizens’ movement supporting everyone’s right to a home, i.e. a permanent residence. Night of the Homeless events are organised in several cities every year on 17 October. This date has also been declared by the United Nations as the day against poverty and social exclusion.

Lahjoita lämpöä, or ‘give warmth’, is a joint campaign by the A-Clinic Foundation and EHYT Finnish Association for Substance Abuse Prevention. The objective of the national campaign is to literally give warmth to people on the streets in the form of mittens, gloves and woollen socks.

Photo: rocknwool / Unsplash