Helmet Game Challenge 2025

It all started with a reading challenge in 2015. Helmet challenges are playful, social, and an inspiring way of using cultural content. This is the game challenge.

What Game Challenge?

In the Helmet Game Challenge your mission is to play 24 games during the year 2025. The games can be chosen freely to fulfill the 24 criteria from the challenge.

Who can participate?

Although the challenge is organized by Helmet Libraries any game enthusiast from anywhere can take on the challenge.

What if I run into some trouble?

Remember that when you take on a game challenge, the goal is to add joy in the hobby. If you experience stress from the challenge you are doing something wrong. Keep your own schedule and do the challenge on your own terms.

Can I optimize?

Do you want to cross off many challenges from the list with just one game? Or do you want to skip some challenges entirely? Maybe you want to see how many challenges can be done with a role-playing game? You can! The idea is to give inspiration and joy to gaming, so bending the rules to your liking is totally ok.

Share the challenge!

It is tons of fun to do the challenge together with others. Feel free to take on your friends and family in the Helmet game challenge. You can exchange some tips and tricks or just share the loveliest and most horrifying game experiences from the challenge throughout the year. Having trouble finding a game for a specific part of the challenge? Don’t worry, help is here!  Head in to your nearest library and let us help you on your way!  

You have a new quest! Game On!

#pelihelmet #pelihaaste

Helmet Game Challenge 2025

1.  A game with extreme weather events 

2. A game that gets you moving 

3.  A game with riding 

4.  A game you have on your shelf but have not played yet 

5.  A game where fire is used 

6.  A game where the characters eat goodies 

7.  A game where you get to choose a profession for your character 

8.  A game with a difficult final opponent 

9.  A game that is too easy 

10. A game that includes minigames 

11. A game that should also be published in another format (for example, as a movie or board game) 

12. A game you have been playing for a long time 

13. A game based on mythology 

14. A game with many sequels  

15. A game you would like a sequel to 

16. A game that is allowed for everyone (PEGI S) 

17. A game where your character has to face the consequences of their choices 

18. A game where your character is doing really badly 

19. A game that teaches you something new 

20. A game where you end up or could end up in jail 

21. A game you would like to live in 

22. A game you would absolutely not want to live in 

23. A game that looks visually ugly 

24. A game that looks visually stunning 

Printable version of the Helmet Game Challenge 2025 (PDF) 

Game Challenge in other languages

Game Challenge in Finnish

Game Challenge in Swedish

Game Challenges 2020–2024

Helmet Game Challenges 2020–2024