Summer in Helmet libraries

Summer has started in Helmet libraries. Check the opening hours during summer on your own library’s pages. Here are some tips for the summer holidays.

100 loans for the holidays

You can have an abundance of reading during the summer: you may have 100 loans and 100 holds as a Helmet library customer. Spend your summer with books, magazines, games and music.

Packing light with e-books

Books, magazines, and music are available for you in the eLibrary whether you spend your summer in town or at the beach. Read more in Instructions for e-book services.

Libraries are open during summer – and eLibrary 24/7

Almost all the libraries have shortened hours during summer. Please check your own library’s summer hours on Helmet web library. Check also opening hours for the self-service libraries.

Helmet eLibrary is at your service all summer round the clock.

Renew your loans during holidays

It is easy to renew your loans from wherever you are by checking in to your own account. You can renew your loans 5 times if there are no holds for them. To renew your loans you need your Helmet library card and a pin code. 

You can return your loans in any Helmet libraries or mobile libraries.

Freeze your holds 

If you are unable to pick up your holds while on holiday, use the possibility to freeze the holds before you leave for holidays. Check in to your own account and click “freeze”. This way your loans will not be available for pick up before you unlock the hold. Your place in the reservation queue stays unchanged. Read more about freezing.

If the library, you regularly use is closed in summertime, you may change the location for the reservations from Helmet-search, if the item is not on its way to closed library. If the reservation is on its way to closed library, you may pick it up, when that library is open again.

You may check in items to any open Helmet library.

Nothing to do? Come to the library!

There are lots of activities in the library all summer. Check the summer happenings on Helmet web library’s Events Calendar. Many libraries have events especially for children and families.

Enjoy the summer!

The most important thing to remember is to enjoy the summer and holidays.

Helmet library wishes all the customers a happy summer!

Photo: Suvi-Tuuli Kankaanpää / Helsinki City Library